
Who are we ?

France PCI is a non-profit association created in 2020 and dedicated to disease of the heart arteries (called coronary) which affects 1,500,000 people, responsible for a heart attack every 4 minutes and 12,000 deaths / year in France . The France PCI association created and manages thenational coronary disease observatory which currently brings together 82 French hospitals and clinics which makes it possible to collect millions of data on patients affected by this pathology and to systematically follow them for one year after their accident (infarction) or cardiac intervention (coronary angioplasty).

What do we do ?

The France PCI observatory (also called "registry") is a national database which allows us to better understand this disease, to precisely evaluate and compare medical practices, to monitor the future of patients, to develop numerous health care projects. clinical research... In summary, it is an essential tool for improving medical practices and patients' quality of life.

It has already been the source of numerous international scientific publications and is currently one of the largest European and even world registers in the field of coronary disease.

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