Patient Area

Patient Area

For you, patients, what is the interest?

The register France PCI is born thanks to you! But it is also carried out in YOUR interest.

Indeed, if you accept, or have agreed to participate in the register, it is also with the aim of improving care

patients with coronary syndrome, and better target prevention actions.

" Prevention is better than cure "

Note to patients

The protection of your personal data is our top priority.

During your coronary examination, an information note will be given to you (document opposite), telling you that you will participate in the France PCI register.

The data collected during your exam will be sent to a database. These are hosted on a secure site dedicated to health data.

Your data is protected: no identifying data is transmitted on the database.

These data could be used for scientific purposes, to study patient care methods in order to improve the vital prognosis of coronary patients, to study the survival and outcome of patients. etc ...

The information that we collect is subject to authorization from Clinical Research bodies and in particular from the Committee for the Protection of Persons, the National Commission for Informatics and Liberties (CNIL). This information is also subject to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

If you refuse to participate, you can inform the cardiologist who will take care of you during your examination. You can choose to withdraw your data at any time by contacting the referring doctor at the center that treated you.

Are you participating in the register and would like to know for what purposes the data collected is used?

Do you have questions about the exam (coronary angiography/angioplasty) you had?

feel free to contact directly the hospital that took care of you , your cardiologist will answer your questions.

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