iCRAC App Privacy Policy
version 4/10/2017
1. General information
1. “iCRAC” is a free service compatible with Android and iOS, dedicated to interventional cardiology (hereinafter the Application or iCRAC). The Application integrates a series of functionalities as described in article 2 (hereinafter the Service(s) which aim to improve the management of cardiac emergencies and aim to help the emergency physician or cardiologist in their daily life (hereinafter the “Users”). The Application notably offers a messaging and geolocation service for Users during the transport of the patient, allowing them to organize the progress of the transport and their arrival. predictable, without the patient being identified or identifiable.
2. the CRAC Association (or Regional Club of Angioplaticians of the Center region) (hereinafter the Association), publisher of the iCRAC application, is declared to the prefecture of Indre-et-Loire under number RNA W372010311 , located at 7 Rue Jules Moinaux 37000 Tours. (hereinafter iCRACappli@gmail.com). Doctor Grégoire RANGE is its publication director. The host of the mobile application is OVH located at 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix – France (tel. 09 72 10 10 07).
3. These General Conditions of Use (CGU) apply, without restriction or reservation, to any use of the Services. These T&Cs apply to the exclusion of all other conditions.
4. The User is required to read it before using the Services. The use of the Services is the sole responsibility of the User.
5. These General Conditions of Use are accessible at any time on the Association's website, they can be downloaded in PDF format and will prevail, where applicable, over any other version or any other contradictory document.
6. The User declares to have read these General Conditions of Use and to have accepted them before any use of the Services.
7. Use of the Services is reserved for healthcare professionals according to French legislation. The User acknowledges having the required capacity to use the Services. The use by any other natural person of the Services is strictly excluded.
8. Unless proven otherwise, the data recorded in the Association's computer system constitutes proof of all agreements concluded with the User.
9. These General Conditions of Use may be subject to subsequent modifications. In the event of a substantial modification of these General Conditions of Use, the new version will be subject to the acceptance of the Users so that it is enforceable against them.
10. The Services are only offered for mainland France, Corsica, and the DROM TOM.
2. ICRAC Services
2.1 A messaging service with geolocation of Users
11. A secure messaging service is made available to Users in order to exchange professional information in the exercise of their patient care missions. The messages exchanged are only stored and visible on the mobile phones of the sender and recipient of the message. It is not possible to view the message on any medium other than the Application.
12. If a conversation between two Users is opened, the messaging service offers a geolocation service for one of the Users. The User's consent to appear on this service is a necessary prerequisite. The User's consent is a necessary prerequisite when first launching the geolocation service. The User can choose to no longer appear there by contacting the Association by email: iCRACappli@gmail.com.
13. The User expressly undertakes not to divert the Application, to make it either a telemedicine device, a medical device, a messaging service for personal medical data, or a computerized medical file relating to the patient. This requirement is essential for the Association. Any misappropriation or attempted misappropriation may result immediately and without notice in the suspension of the Services for the User, without prejudice to other measures provided for herein.
14. Messaging is not intended to be used as a telemedicine device within the meaning of article R6316-1 of the Public Health Code. It must therefore not be used as a teleconsultation, tele-expertise, telemedical monitoring or telemedical assistance device.
15. Messaging is not a medical device (MD). The messaging itself does not provide any new medical information that contributes to the diagnosis or treatment of the patient. Messaging is not intended to provide diagnosis, diagnostic assistance, treatment, or treatment assistance.
16. Messaging should not be confused with the computerized patient record. Messaging does not store or collect any medical health data allowing the direct or indirect identification of a patient. The User undertakes to only communicate general or anonymous information via messaging, mainly on the Patient's transport, not allowing the direct or indirect identification of the Patient.
2.2 A medical protocol communication service
17. The Medical Protocol Communication Service allows local emergency medicine protocols, particularly those relating to cardiac emergencies, to be posted online and consulted. The User can consult online the various local, regional or national medical protocols for the care of cardiac patients in the context of an emergency. He can configure his search according to the specialty (coronary, rhythmology, etc.), the theme (for example: STEMI, NSTEMI, etc.) and his place of practice (health establishment, department or region) in order to select only the protocols that concern it and personalize its application as best as possible.
18. As a simple dissemination of professional information, this medical protocol communication service is neither a telemedicine device nor a medical device (MD) and does not process any personal health data.
19. The content of the protocols has no contractual value; the medical teams caring for a patient are free to respect or not comply with these procedures in the sole interest of the patient, particularly in certain specific situations. These procedures resulting from a regional consensus based on international scientific data are likely to be modified depending on the evolution of scientific data. Use of these procedures outside of the geographic areas for which they have been validated represents non-compliant use. The CRAC association cannot be held responsible in the event of use that does not meet these conditions of use.
2.3 A guard list communication service
20. An on-call list communication service allows you to put online and consult the on-call list of establishments or SAMUs that wish it, which can be put online to help identify potential medical correspondents to contact during their on-call or penalty. This functionality can also be configured according to the specialty and place of practice of the medical correspondents.
21. By using this Application, the User gives his consent for the dissemination of certain information concerning him (surname, first name, specialty). You can choose to no longer appear there by contacting the Association by email: iCRACappli@gmail.com.
22. As a simple dissemination of professional information, this medical protocol communication service is neither a telemedicine device nor a medical device (MD) and does not process any personal health data relating to patients.
2.4 A SAMU geolocation service:
23. A SAMU team geolocation service can be activated manually by the emergency doctor at the start of the call for a duration of 12 hours. It allows the interventional cardiologist to monitor the real-time progress of the patient's transport and thus optimize the management of the technical platform and best plan the patient's reception.
24. The User's consent is a necessary prerequisite when launching the geolocation service for the first time.
25. As a simple dissemination of professional information, this medical protocol communication service is neither a telemedicine device nor a medical device (MD) and does not process any personal health data relating to patients.
2.5 Communication of an external link to a risk score calculator:
26. A direct link to the leading application in this field (Medcalc) allows the majority of cardiology scores to be calculated. As software performing a simple search, the mobile application is not a medical device. The doctor enters the useful parameters. The score obtained is associated with a level of risk.
27. The Association is not the publisher of the risk calculator and is therefore not responsible for the information thus disseminated under the sole responsibility of the publisher of this application. The User connects and uses the information thus obtained under his sole and entire responsibility.
2.6 A hosting service for annual activity reports:
28. Annual reports on regional STEMI and coronary angioplasty activities from the CRAC register and possibly other partners (France PCI, etc.) can be downloaded from the Application. They make it possible to follow the evolution of professional practices.
29. As a simple host, the Association is not the publisher of the annual reports and is therefore not responsible for the information thus disseminated. The User consults and uses the information thus obtained under his sole and entire responsibility.
2.7 A professional directory service:
30. The professional directory lists all the Users of the application and allows them to be put in contact via the “discussions” module. By using this Application, the User gives his consent for the distribution by the directory of certain information concerning him (only last name, first name, specialty). You can choose to no longer appear there by contacting the Association by email: iCRACappli@gmail.com.
2.8 An announcement service
31. The Application offers an announcement service for replacements in interventional cardiology. This function allows the linking of offers and requests for replacement in the field of coronary angiography with alert systems that can be activated by Users.
32. The user may choose to no longer appear there by contacting the Association (iCRACappli@gmail.com).
3. Personal data of Users
33. In accordance with the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, each User has, at any time, a right of access, rectification, and opposition to all of their personal data by writing, by mail at the CRAC association: 7 Rue Jules Moinaux 37000 Tours, or by email at iCRACappli@gmail.com.
34. An accessible “Personal Data” charter deals in detail with questions relating to the management of personal data.
35. Please note that messaging should not be used to exchange health data directly or indirectly identifying the patient. In the event of misappropriation of ICRAC, this exchange of personal medical data is the sole responsibility of the User - or depending on their operating situation the structure which employs them - who has the status of data controller within the meaning of of article 3 of law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to data processing, files and freedoms and is required as such to carry out the formalities prior to the implementation of data processing. health data.
4. ICRAC Privacy and Security
36. In order to ensure the security and confidentiality of data exchanged, ICRAC relies on:
Strong authentication of Users with a password that complies with CNIL recommendations.
An encrypted exchange of data on the network via the SSL certificate
37. The data exchanged with the server is encrypted via an https certificate. Conversations are deleted in the User's mobile application after 7 days. Messages from the transfer server are deleted when all recipients have viewed them or, failing that, after a period of 2 hours if the message is not read by the recipient.
5. User support service
38. A support service is made available to Users to answer all questions about the service or to resolve technical difficulties encountered within the framework of the Application. Support is available by email at the following address: iCRACappli@gmail.com.
39. Any malfunction or non-compliant content noticed by the User on the Application must be reported as soon as possible to the Association whose contact details appear above.
40. General information on the Application is freely accessible on the Association's website.
6. ICRAC Terms of Use for Users
6.1 Opening a User account
41. To open a User account, it is necessary to complete the registration form on the Application. A User account is opened for an indefinite period of use.
42. The User must provide their last name, first name, date of birth, a valid email address, a mobile telephone number, their specialty, their title, their department and their hospital center, as well as a word exceeds. Unless otherwise specified in these T&Cs, these elements are strictly confidential and are not brought to the attention of other Users or third parties.
43. Use of the User account is strictly personal. The User assumes the risks associated with the use and loss of confidentiality of his password.
44. If the User forgets his password or has reason to believe that another person is using his identification details or his account, he must immediately inform the Association at the address iCRACappli@gmail.com.
45. The User guarantees that the data he communicates during registration is accurate. He undertakes to inform the Association without delay in the event of a modification of the data he communicated during his registration and, if necessary, to make the said modifications himself on his User account.
6.2 Method of use of messaging
46. The allocation of an email account is carried out after checking the identity of the User.
47. To use the messaging service, the User must provide information when opening:
- a mail address .
- a password
48. Messages from the secure messaging account are confined within the mobile application and cannot be accessed by another application installed on the terminal.
6.3 Terms of use of the directory
49. A professional directory lists all the secure health messaging accounts in the Application. This directory only allows access to the first name, specialty and health establishment of other Users. The Application may communicate this information to all Users.
50. The User can choose to no longer appear there by contacting the Association (iCRACappli@gmail.com).
6.4 Terms of use of the Services in general
51. The Application is free, but the equipment (smartphone, software, internet connection, etc.) allowing access to it is the exclusive responsibility of the User, as are the communication costs incurred by their use.
52. Required and recommended configurations are subject to change. The User may be required to improve or change their system to continue using the Application.
7. Availability of Services
53. ICRAC is accessible free of charge, 7 days a week and 24 hours a day, with the exception of cases of force majeure, difficulties linked to the structure of the telecommunications network or technical difficulties.
54. For maintenance reasons, the Association may suspend access to the Application and will do its utmost to inform Users in advance without this unavailability generating a right to any compensation for Users.
8. Liability
9.1 Liability of the Association and notification of illicit content
55. The Association is bound by an obligation of means within the framework of a free service.
56. As a host, external links to other sites accessible from the Application may be offered by Users. By accessing it, the User may encounter information from third parties. Accessing it is the entire responsibility of the Users. Likewise, content hosted on the application (message; documentation, etc.), but published by third parties (Users or others) cannot bind the Association. Any content contrary to French law or medical ethics will be immediately deleted.
57. Each User may notify the Association by email (iCRACappli@gmail.com) of the existence of this illicit content, clearly specifying the location of the content and the reason for the deletion request. Unless there is abuse, the content in question will be deleted as soon as possible, without this deletion incurring the liability of the Association.
58. The Association disclaims all liability in the event of - the occurrence of a force majeure event having an impact on the Application; - problems related to the internet network. The User acknowledges that the characteristics and constraints of the Internet do not make it possible to guarantee the security, availability and integrity of data transmissions during their communication; - breakdowns or damage resulting from the User's equipment or contamination of the User's computer system by viruses, attacks and malicious intent from third parties - use of the Application by the User not in compliance with these Conditions General Use or use not in compliance with French legislation or medical ethics.
9.2 User Responsibility
59. The User is solely responsible for the use of the application, in compliance with the laws and regulations in force, medical ethics and these General Conditions of Use.
60. The Association does not control a priori the content of the messages and content present on the mobile application. However, it has the power to take any precautionary measure (suspension of the account, deletion of one or more messages) necessary to preserve the proper functioning of the Application in the event of non-compliance by the User with these General Conditions. 'Use and/or French law.
61. In the event that the precautionary measure consists of the temporary or permanent closure of the User's account, the Association undertakes to inform the User as soon as possible.
9. Intellectual property
62. The mobile application, its content and its database are the exclusive property of the Association or its partners.
63. Any representation, reproduction, total or partial exploitation of the Application, by any means whatsoever, without the express authorization of the Association is prohibited and would constitute an infringement within the meaning of articles L.335-2 et seq. of the Code of intellectual property.
10. Competent courts and applicable law
64. the law applicable to these T&Cs is French law.
65. Subject to rules of public order, the competent courts concerning all disputes relating to these T&Cs are the courts of TOURS.
I. Who are we ?
1. The CRAC Association (or Regional Club of Angioplaticians of the Center region), declared to the prefecture of Indre-et-Loire under number RNA W372010311, located 7 Rue Jules Moinaux 37000 Tours. (email icracappli@gmail.com). (hereinafter “The Association”) is the publisher of the iCRAC Application. It is responsible for the processing of personal data carried out through its Application.
II. The purposes of processing personal data through the Application
2. iCRAC is a free mobile application compatible with Android and iOS, dedicated to interventional cardiology. The Application integrates a series of features which aim to improve the management of cardiac emergencies and aim to help the emergency physician or cardiologist in their daily life. (hereinafter the Users). For any additional information, we refer to our general conditions of use on our site http://www.francepci.com/telechargement/autres/cgu-appli-smartphone-icrac/
3. The processing may have the purpose of all operations relating to the registration and administrative monitoring of Users, the use of the Application, and the management of requests for rights of access, rectification and opposition, to the exclusion of any processing relating to the patient's health data. The Application should not be confused with the patient's computerized file. It does not store or collect any medical health data of a patient.
III. What data is collected by the iCRAC Application?
4. When registering, the User must provide their first and last name, date of birth, a valid email address, a mobile phone number, their specialty, their title, their department and their hospital center, ( together administrative personal data).
5. The User can modify, delete and update his data by contacting the Association by email (icracappli@gmail.com).
6. If messaging is activated, the Application collects and makes accessible only to the recipient(s) of the communication the data relating to the User's geolocation. When this service is first launched, the User's specific consent is obtained to authorize their geolocation in real time. Geolocation data is not stored by the Application.
7. Messages exchanged are only stored and visible on the mobile phones of the senders and recipients only. It is not possible to view messages on any other medium than the iCRAC Application.
IV. Recipients of the data collected
8. The recipients of the data collected are only the staff of the Association, other Users, IT subcontractors under the following conditions:
has. The Association's staff is subject to a strict obligation of confidentiality. Only personnel in charge of the Application have access to the personal data collected.
b. The Application only distributes first and last names and specialty to other Users.
vs. Subcontractors are covered by a strict contractual obligation of confidentiality.
V. Security and confidentiality
9. The Association, its staff and subcontractors undertake:
has. not to take any copies of the documents and information media entrusted to them, with the exception of those necessary for the execution of this service provided for in Article 1.
b. not to use the documents and information processed for purposes other than those specified in Article 1;
vs. not to disclose these documents or information to other persons, whether private or public, natural or legal, subject to compliance with a legal obligation;
d. to take all measures to avoid any misappropriated or fraudulent use of computer files during the execution of the service;
e. to take all security measures, in particular material security, to ensure the conservation and integrity of documents and information processed during the execution of the service;
f. and at the end of the mission or service to proceed with the destruction of all manual or computerized files storing the information entered.
10. In order to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data exchanged, the Application is based on:
has. Strong authentication of Users with a password that complies with CNIL recommendations.
b. An encrypted exchange of data on the network via the SSL certificate
vs. The data exchanged with the server is encrypted via an https certificate.
11. Conversations are deleted in the Application on the user's mobile after 7 days.
12. Messages are deleted on the transfer server when all their recipients have viewed them and a maximum of two hours after their transmission. They are not communicated or accessible to third parties.
VI. The retention period of collected personal data
13. Personal administrative data communicated during registration cannot be kept beyond the period strictly necessary for managing the relationship with the User. In all cases, the personal data thus collected will be deleted when the User account is closed.
14. Data relating to geolocation is communicated in real time and is not retained.
VII. How to exercise your rights?
15. Each User has the right to access and rectify information that concerns them, by contacting icracappli@gmail.com or by writing to the CRAC Association 7 Rue Jules Moinaux 37000 Tours.
16. Each User may also, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of data concerning them.
VIII. Scope of Privacy Policy
17. This Privacy Policy does not apply to the practices of companies that the Association does not control, nor to persons that the Association does not employ or manage, including all third party contributors of content as well as any third-party websites that are accessible from the iCRAC Application.